
10 Tips To Help Beat Mommy Burnout

10 Tips To Help Beat Mommy Burnout

Are you a mom and feel as though you are not able to beat mommy burnout? Mommy burnout is a feeling of being overwhelmed and is very common.

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There are ways you can try to avoid becoming overwhelmed and burned out. The following are ten tips to help beat mommy burnout.

1. Avoid negative people

Try to surround yourself with people in your life who are supportive and there to lend a listening ear or helping hand if and when needed.

2. Make sleep a priority

Getting enough sleep is extremely important to both our physical as well as mental health. Sometimes it can be difficult for moms to get adequate rest, especially if there are younger children. Try to have an earlier bedtime for yourself or have a nap during the day when your child does.

3. Get into a daily routine

Having a routine will help your children with managing expectations such as meals times, chores, free time, sleep, and so on. This will also give you the organization that you need throughout the day to know what to expect from your children.

4. Be realistic

If you feel that you are unable to keep up with the daily tasks then make a list of what you are able to do on a daily basis. For instance, if you are unable to cook a family meal every day, make two dinners in one day. All is then required is heating up.

5. Drink a hot cup of coffee or tea

Sometimes moms need a caffeine boost to help get through the day. This is a well known fact. Reach for that cup of coffee or tea if you need to. There are even health benefits of drinking coffee which is an added plus.

6. Get help

Your family is a team and a part of your support system. Your spouse as well as children can some help with chores. Of course this will depend on their work and school schedules and the ages of your children. You may have to give out chores depending on their capabilities. In any way every little bit of help your family gives you helps.

7. Eat healthy

Try to eat your three healthy meals a day. If you are struggling with this at least keep some healthy snacks at arms reach. Fruits, and raw vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers are all packed with nutrients to help get you through the day. Indulge in a treat once in awhile if it helps to make you feel good.

8. Exercise

Giving yourself a good workout is not only good for our physical health but also our mental and emotional health. When you exercise endorphins are released and will leave you feeling happier and more calm during the rest of the day.

9. Go outside

Simply going outside, even just for ten or 15 minutes can have a significant positive impact on your mood and help reduce stress levels. Going outside will help clear your mind and make you feel fresh and alert.

10. Make time for yourself

Choose a time and stick to it as much as you can. Try to set a time length for yourself that will work for both you and your family. It may be a short walk around the block, a 30 minute coffee with friends, or an hour long bath and a book.

10 Tips To Help Beat Mommy Burnout

What tips do you have to help beat mommy burnout?

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